diumenge, 21 d’agost del 2011

Just kiss me and love me tonight

I never wanted
to hurt you, or wanted to break your heart
but believe me when I say honey it is best for them.
I was never a good woman, neither the things of the house learned to
but I loved you as much as if it had always been our first

No doubt that our love was sincere,
but like other things ended destroyed,
vacuum falling off a cliff and breaking
on the rocks, leaving the small way
out to sea

Now I've changed, I can feel it inside me
No empathy, as if there were ways
I'm cold as steel, but inside my structure
is as weak as a flower blown by the wind

And I'm calling you, shouting your name at night
and like a shadow continues to haunt my past
not nice but necessary

Just kiss me and love me tonight

PD: Esa foto si que es mia

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